Tinder Advertising: Strategies and Successful Examples

Advertising on Tinder: Strategies and Successful Examples

Looking for new traffic sources? Looks like it’s a match made in heaven. This article will discuss Tinder and how to use it in your advertising strategy.

What is Tinder?

Everyone today has heard of Tinder at least once. It’s not a surprise, after all, Tinder has 75 million active users monthly. 

In short, it’s an online dating app famous for its swipe-and-match feature. If you’re interested in someone — swipe right, if not — swipe left. When both of you swipe right, the app opens a chat where you can talk. 

Tinder’s goal is to help people find love, a buddy to Netflix&Chill, and new people to talk to.

Why Should You Advertise on Tinder?

First of all, Tinder has a massive reach. It’s available in 190 countries and over 40 languages. Using this traffic source, you can attract new audiences to your offer and generate more leads. 

Another reason is the clear targeting. The average Tinder users are Millennials and GenZ-ers — mostly men — looking for a relationship. They are interested in dating advice and anything that could help them seem cool to a potential love interest. If that’s the audience you’re targeting, Tinder is your choice.

Advertising on Tinder: Tinder Demographics

Which Offers Are Right for Tinder?

On average, users spend 35 minutes swiping left and right, making Tinder an appealing platform for advertising. But, not all offers are suitable for that. If you’re not sure whether to promote your offer on Tinder or not, answer the following questions:

1. Who is this offer for? Identify your target audience and determine if they are active Tinder users.

2. Is your offer relevant to Tinder users? Ensure that your offer aligns with interests in dating, social activities, events, fashion, beauty, and lifestyle, as these generally perform well.

3. Does your offer align with Tinder guidelines? Although Tinder is adults only, some adult-focused offers aren’t allowed there. Check the guidelines before launching.

4. Is your offer optimized for mobile? Keep in mind that Tinder is a mobile app. If your offer is strictly for desktop users, you shouldn’t advertise there.

5. Is it profitable to promote this offer on Tinder? Compare the cost of advertising on Tinder with other platforms. Estimate potential ROI and see if the dating app is a good fit.

How do Tinder Ads Work?

Advertising on Tinder: How ads work on Tinder

Now that you know Tinder is your traffic source of choice, let’s talk about ads. Tinder offers several ad formats:

Native Display Ads

Static banners that users see between the matches. They usually feature eye-catching titles and interactive CTAs, like “Swipe right to read more.” 

Native Video Ads

Auto-play videos that people see in discovery mode. Clicking on them takes users to the product website or landing page.

Branded Profile Card

This format lets brands create profiles similar to those of typical users. If users swipe this profile right, they receive a custom message with a CTA in their inbox.


This interactive banner allows users to take a quiz while swiping. After completion, they can share their results on social media, encouraging others to take it too.

What sets Tinder ads apart is their engagement potential. All formats encourage users to take action — using this creatively and strategically can lead to increased leads.

How to Launch Tinder Ads?

Tinder doesn’t have a platform of its own for launching ads. For that, you’ll need to use other advertising platforms: Google, Facebook, or other ad networks. Let’s focus on the first two.

Tinder Ads via Google Ads

Step 1: Go to the Google Ads website and create an account by clicking “Start Now.”

Step 2: On the Google Ads dashboard, click “Create” to make a new ad campaign.

Step 3: Fill in all the important information about your ad: objective, campaign type (choose “display”), website URL, location, and budget.

Step 4: Go to the “Targeting” section and click “Placement.” There you’ll see a table of places to show your ads. Type “Tinder” in the search bar and click “App.” There, you’ll see different app options, including Tinder.

Step 4: Upload your creatives and launch your Tinder ads.

Advertising on Tinder: How to launch Tinder ads on Google

Tinder Ads via Facebook

Step 1: Create a Business Account on Facebook; otherwise, you won’t be able to launch ads.

Step 2: On the Facebook Ads Manager dashboard, click the “+Create” button to create a new campaign. Select your advertising objective from the list and continue.

Step 3: Go to “New Traffic Ad Set” and fill in all the necessary information about your ad, including conversion location, budget, audience, etc. The last step on this page is “Placement”. Here, select “Manual placements” and choose “Audience Network”.

Audience Network is the platform that will deliver your ad to Tinder. The app is included in Facebook’s “dating apps” category. Finish setting up the campaign and send it for approval, After that, your ads will be running on Tinder.

Advertising on Tinder: How to launch Tinder ads on Facebook

Tinder Creatives: Real-Life Cases

Tinder ads heavily rely on creativity. Your banners must be eye-catching and simple with clear and easy-to-understand CTAs. This is because Tinder’s audience is younger generations that are more skeptical of ads, especially those that seem too sales-focused.

Let’s look at real-world examples of Tinder ad campaigns to inspire and enhance your ad creativity.

Ultimate Smile on First Date with Crest

Crest, an American oral hygiene brand, cleverly targeted the fears of singles: looking bad on a first date. Their ad encouraged people to use Crest products to impress their Tinder date with a perfect smile. Though the banner seems simple, it highlights CTA effectively.

Advertising on Tinder: Ad example 1

Key takeaway: The campaign looks simple and resonates well with Tinder’s audience, addressing their fear of rejection. When launching your campaign, adapt it to the audience and make it dating-themed, showing your product value for finding love.

The Atlanta Hawks’s Swipe Right Night

The American basketball team, Atlanta Hawks, hosted Swipe Right Night, inviting fans to swipe right for a chance to access a special “Love Lounge” filled with Tinder users looking to meet other singles.

Advertising on Tinder: Ad example 2

Key takeaway: Although basketball and dating might not seem related, the Hawks targeted users’ desire for connection, offering a venue for real-life interactions. Adapt your offers to resonate with users’ feelings and demonstrate how your product can help them in love and dating.

Launch Tinder Ads and Track Performance

Knowing how to launch campaigns and studying cases is great, but it’s not a guarantee of success. Trends come and go — what worked before may not be effective today.

So, how can you ensure your ads generate leads? By analyzing and testing.

Once you are ready to launch, add all your ad links to a tracking tool. This will give you valuable insights into clicks, budget performance, and conversion rates, allowing you to optimize your ads and enhance ROI.

Take Keitaro Tracker, for example. It offers comprehensive reports with over 30 metrics, A/B testing features, a landing page builder, and more than 500 ready-made CPA and advertising templates. 

If you haven’t used affiliate trackers before, try Keitaro Tracker with a 14-day free trial. See how it can enhance your Tinder ad management:

Now, you know how to work with Tinder and ways to make your ads special. Match with your leads and make them fall in love with your ad at first sight!

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