How to fix it #7: The integration with ImKlo doesn’t work

Today we will describe the main issues which may cause errors with ImKlo integration.

First of all check the clicks log – the button Log above the streams in a campaign. You will be able to see the ImKlo response. In case you see ‘blocked by filter imklo’ it means your integration doesn’t work and the default protection sends all traffic to white page.

A full ImKlo response always consists of an error code and the reason why the click was rejected, e.g.:

IMKLO: {"errors":["IP \u0430\u0434\u0440\u0435\u0441 \u0432 \u0447\u0435\u0440\u043d\u043e\u043c \u0441\u043f\u0438\u0441\u043a\u0435"],"result":0,"log_id":40764,"white_link":"","metrika_id":""} IMKLO errors: IP address in a black list Blocks by filter "bot".

If there’s no response, check the following:

  1. The ImKlo is integrated with Keitaro
    Go to Maintenance > Integrations. Add the ImKlo domain (the one you use to login to ImKlo) to the IMKLO API page with /api at the end, e.g.:
  2. You use the same protocol to address ImKlo.
    If you use HTTPS to login to ImKlo, then Keitaro domain should be with HTTPS as well.
  3. The domain from tracker is not added to ImKlo or added incorrect
    When creating the integration you need to add Keitaro’s domain to ImKlo admin panel and put the necessary geo. If you address tracker with a campaign link you need to add this campaign’s URL.
    If you work with WordPress Keitaro plugin and KClient PHP, add the website domain which you send traffic to. In case you work with KClient JS or any other type of the integration, add the domain from Keitaro campaign.
  4. The server blocks an access to ImKlo admin panel
    If all the steps above didn’t help, check if your server blocks sending requests to ImKlo admin. Login to your server with ssh and ping the ImKlo domain:
    Or you can ask your server support to check the ping to ImKlo from the server.

In case you checked all the steps above but couldn’t solve the issue, reach out to our support team, we will be happy to help out.

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Grigoriy B.