How to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing on Pinterest in 2024

How to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing on Pinterest in 2024

Pinterest is an influential social media platform for affiliate marketers that merges its content’s visual attraction with the dynamic interactivity of a social network. It has a user base of over 460 million active pinners, positioning it as a marketplace where the journey from inspiration to action is seamless. It’s perfect to make money online with affiliate marketing.

Pinterest’s Unique Advantages for Affiliate Marketing

Pinterest serves as a visual exploration tool. Its users are drawn to the platform not just for casual interaction but to seek inspiration, plan their future endeavors, and guide their buying decisions. By May 2018, it was reported that:

  • 98% of Pinterest users have tried something new they found on the platform;
  • 93% of Pinterest users leverage the platform for pre-purchase research and planning.

A noteworthy aspect of Pinterest’s user demographic is its financial standing. Statista highlights that 41% of Pinterest users in the US report household incomes exceeding $75,000 annually.

Pinterest's Unique Advantages for Affiliate Marketing

The engagement level among Pinterest’s audience is remarkably high, with billions of monthly searches. This translates into a higher propensity for users to interact with affiliate links.

Pinterest’s visual-centric approach offers an unparalleled opportunity for marketers to showcase their products in a manner that significantly increases the likelihood of affiliate link clicks and higher conversion rates.

One of the unique advantages of Pinterest is the long shelf life of its pins. Unlike content on other social media platforms, a single pin on Pinterest can continue to drive traffic to affiliate products for an extended period, providing a long-term revenue stream.

The mechanism of saving advertising pins by users enhances the visibility of those pins, thereby organically increasing engagement and lead generation at no additional cost. Furthermore, advertisers have noted a 20% increase in clicks in the month following the end of a paid campaign.

Pros and Cons of Pinterest for Affiliate Marketing

As with any social media, there are pros and cons to using Pinterest as an affiliate marketing tool.

Pros and Cons of Pinterest for Affiliate Marketing

Best Affiliate Programs for Pinterest

Pinterest’s effectiveness varies significantly across different niches, with some affiliate programs experiencing markedly higher engagement and conversion rates. Here are the top six types of products that are the perfect fit for affiliate marketing Pinterest strategies.

DIY and Home Decor

Pinterest is a treasure trove for DIY enthusiasts and home decor lovers. Users frequently seek inspiration for home improvement projects, interior design ideas, and creative DIY crafts. Affiliate marketers can capitalize on this by advertising products, tools, and resources that align with what their audience is interested in.

Fashion and Beauty

The fashion and beauty segments thrive on Pinterest, with users exploring the latest trends, styles, and beauty tips. High-quality images showcasing clothing, accessories, and beauty products can drive significant traffic. Take advantage of this opportunity by partnering with fashion and beauty brands.

Health and Wellness

With an increasing focus on health and wellness, Pinterest users often search for fitness inspiration, healthy recipes, and wellness tips. Promote health supplements, fitness equipment, and wellness programs.

Gourmet Food and Cooking

Foodies flock to Pinterest for culinary inspiration, from gourmet recipes to cooking tips and presentation ideas. This niche offers a wealth of opportunities for affiliate marketers to market kitchen gadgets, cookbooks, and specialty food items, appealing to the platform’s large audience of cooking enthusiasts.


Travel is another popular category on Pinterest, with users dreaming up their next vacation and seeking travel tips, destination guides, and packing lists. You can succeed by partnering with travel companies, promoting luggage, travel accessories, and booking services to an audience eager for travel inspiration.

Gadgets and Electronics

While Pinterest might not be the first platform that comes to mind for tech products, there’s a growing interest in the latest gadgets, home technology, and electronic devices.

To thrive in these niches, affiliate marketers must craft high-quality, visually appealing pins that resonate with Pinterest’s user base. This includes utilizing high-resolution images and crafting compelling pin descriptions that organically incorporate relevant keywords. It includes clear calls to action encouraging users to click through to affiliate links. 

The potential income from Pinterest is contingent upon various factors, including the offer’s relevance, the targeted niche, ad quality, and more. With a strategic approach, earnings can range from $5-6 to $10-15 per milieu, particularly in offers targeting Western markets.

Remember that the platform’s capabilities for geo-targeting are limited, favoring promotions primarily in the USA, Canada, France, Ireland, and Australia.

Nuances of Using Pinterest for Affiliate Marketing

Pinterest has unique rules and features specific to using it for affiliate marketing. 

For example, you should disclose affiliate links. Just introduce a straightforward tag within your pin description (e.g., #AffiliateLink). Adherence to Pinterest’s specific guidelines for advertising is essential to prevent infractions and getting banned.

Pinterest has an Ads tool, just like other networks. It helps affiliate marketers to extend their influence. By promoting pins linked to affiliate products, you can precisely target specific demographics, interests, and behaviors, ensuring your content is seen by those most inclined to engage.

Pinterest Analytics is crucial for assessing the effectiveness of your affiliate marketing endeavors. Key metrics such as impressions, clicks, and saves provide insights into your content’s resonance with your audience, enabling you to fine-tune your strategy and amplify your results over time.

Affiliate Links on Pinterest

It is extremely useful to use tools like Keitaro Tracker to monitor your affiliate links on Pinterest. This software gathers and displays information on clicks and conversions for your affiliate links, promotions, campaigns, and ads all in one place. It automatically calculates metrics, such as the cost and the revenue each link brings in, giving you a better understanding of your financial outcomes. Moreover, these tools go further than just basic metrics.

They provide detailed insights into your audience’s preferences when interacting with your links and pinpoint the most effective ads or traffic sources. This information is vital for refining your marketing strategies to ensure your investments are practical and financially wise.

These tools give you access to critical data, helping you make informed choices that boost your ROI.

Read more about how toy use ad tracers in affiliate marketing here.

Eight Steps for Success on Pinterest 

For improved growth and visibility on Pinterest, follow the seven simple steps in your Pinterest affiliate marketing strategy to drive traffic:

  1. Register a Pinterest Business Account

It’s essential for gaining access to comprehensive analytics, advertising tools, and the functionality of rich pins, which directly integrate additional details from your website into your pins.

  1. Optimize Your Profile for Maximum Engagement

Key elements include a clear and concise bio, a recognizable profile picture, and the strategic organization of boards to mirror the interests of your target demographic. Your profile should serve as an inviting and informative gateway, encouraging further exploration of your pins and, by extension, your affiliate links.

  1. Leverage Pinterest SEO

Pinterest is basically a visual search engine, so implementing SEO strategies is vital. Incorporate relevant keywords into your pin titles, descriptions, and board names to enhance your content’s visibility. Researching trending topics and popular keywords within the Pinterest ecosystem can inform your content strategy, ensuring your pins connect with your target audience.

  1. Update Content and Secure Website Verification

Every marketer on Pinterest should frequently refresh their affiliate pins and ensure Pinterest verifies their landing pages to boost their profile’s trustworthiness. Engaging in the Pinterest Verified Merchant Program can further establish trust, making the profile more appealing to potential followers.

  1. Create High Quality Content

Success on Pinterest is built on producing valuable, high-quality content that is both visually appealing and informative. Your content should engage your audience and provide them with real value.

  1. Engage Consistently

An active presence on Pinterest, characterized by regular pinning, can enhance your profile’s visibility and expand your content’s reach. As a rule of thumb, you should post 10-40 pins daily. Following community guidelines and using relevant hashtags can also improve visibility and engagement.

  1. Cross-Promote and Integrate with Your Website

Boost your reach by promoting your Pinterest profile across other social media channels and integrating Pinterest features on your website. Adding a “Pin It” button and a Pinterest widget can help share content and drive traffic between your website and Pinterest.

A crucial part of improving your presence on Pinterest is continuously monitoring and tracking your pins’ and boards’ performance. By leveraging Pinterest’s analytics tools, you gain insights into which content performs best. This allows you to refine your strategy, focusing on the most effective tactics.

8. Use an Ad Tracking Tool

Ad-tracking tools are essential for affiliate marketers who want to improve their campaign performance. These tools offer insights beyond what’s available in your business account from basic traffic and affiliate data, including information for detailed analyses of traffic sources and conversion rates. This allows marketers to fine-tune their strategies, leading to improved outcomes and increased revenue. 

One such tool is Keitaro Tracker. It will help you get:

  • A better understanding of what the audience prefers, which aids in more effective targeting;
  • Insights into which campaigns and traffic sources are most profitable, allowing for more efficient budget allocation;
  • A more detailed examination of campaign performance to facilitate enhancements and strategic adjustments.

Ad tracking transforms guessing-game marketing into data-driven strategic marketing, significantly enhancing efficiency and potential profits. For affiliates aiming for high profitability, tools like Keitaro Tracker are indispensable.

Pinterest is a dynamic and visually oriented platform filled with opportunities for affiliate marketers. By understanding the platform’s unique ecosystem, optimizing your presence, and creating engaging content, you can transform your Pinterest account into a significant source of affiliate revenue.

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