⚡ Keitaro Tracker 10.2 Beta Release

We are excited to announce the release of the new version of Keitaro Tracker – 10.2 beta.

This update includes several key improvements and fixes to enhance your tracker’s efficiency and usability.

? Multi-Offer Function

A new feature for selecting an offer before a click allows for the automation of landing page content and eliminates the need to clone landings for split tests.

With the help of this function, you can create up to 10 variables to add any values in an offer and then pull this data directly onto the landing page. Meaning that now you can design ‘universal landings.’ In the previous versions, the offer was determined after the user transitioned to the landing. Now, this can be done ‘before’.

Choose when to determine the available offer:

Before the click – the offer is selected when landing on the page before transitioning to the offer.

After the click – the offer is selected during a split test after pressing the button to transition to the offer. 

All old flows in your tracker are set to After the click by default.

? Setting Up the Transition from a Landing Page to an Offer for Multi-Offers

The transition from a landing page to an offer is carried out using /?_lp=1 (when using the JS adapter) or {offer} as the button href. 

Learn more: https://docs.keitaro.io/en/landing-pages-and-offers/landing-page-local.html#creating-offer-link 

! Note:
Setting up the transition from a landing page to a specific offer (with &offer_id=10) in the Before Click function does not work.

? Editing an Offer: values 

We added a Values section when creating and editing an offer, allowing you to create and pass placeholders to the required places on the landing page or in the URL builder. The maximum number of values per offer is 10.

Use the placeholder {offer_value: NAME}, where NAME is the value specified in the Title field. The placeholder will return the value specified in the corresponding field. 

Examples of using placeholders on a local landing page:

  • {offer_value:currency} – will display the currency value specified in the field.
  • {offer_value:price} – will display the price value specified in the field.
  • {offer_value:title} – will display the text specified in the field. Also, in the Before Click function, you can now use the placeholder {offer_name} – it will display the name of the offer specified in the tracker.

For full instructions on setting up the Multi-Offer feature, read our documentation: https://docs.keitaro.io/en/landing-pages-and-offers/multi-offer.html 

? Updated TikTok Integration: conversion tracking

The integration update allows for sending conversions from Keitaro Tracker to TikTok to optimize advertising campaigns on the source side.

Mapping is now available in the integration settings. You can select the statuses and events you want to send to TikTok Ads.

For full instructions on connecting and setting up the TikTok integration, read our documentation: https://docs.keitaro.io/en/third-party-integrations/tiktok.html

? Updated Facebook Integration: conversion tracking

You can now send conversion data straight from Keitaro Tracker to Facebook. This makes optimizing your ad campaigns more direct and effective on the source side.

Also, we’ve added a Mapping feature in the integration settings. This allows you to select specific statuses and events to share with Facebook Ads.

? Sending Additional Parameters to Facebook

We’ve expanded the list of parameters when transmitting conversions. In addition to fbclid, you can now also transmit additional custom values, thereby improving the quality of tracking:

‘action_source’ → ‘website’. This parameter is passed by default. It cannot be changed at this time.

‘event_name’ → // type of event, specified in the mapping window when setting up the integration;

‘event_time’ → // time of the event occurrence;

‘user_data’ → [

‘fbc’ → click identifier,

‘fbp’ → browser identifier,

‘client_ip_address’ → click IP address,

‘client_user_agent’ → click user agent,

‘country’ → country, determined based on the click IP address,

‘st’ → region, determined based on the click IP address,

‘сt’ → city, determined based on the click IP address


Additionally, you can now send additional parameters in user_data, such as:

em – email;

ph – phone;

fn – first name;

ln – last name.

To send them to Facebook, the corresponding parameters need to be transmitted to the tracker in the incoming postback. Example:


For full instructions on connecting and setting up the Facebook integration, read our documentation: https://docs.keitaro.io/en/third-party-integrations/facebook.html

? Updated Google Ads Integration: conversion tracking

Similar to the integrations with TikTok and Facebook, we’ve updated our Google Ads integration to transmit conversions from the tracker.

For full instructions on connecting and setting up the Google Ads integration, read our documentation: https://docs.keitaro.io/ru/third-party-integrations/google-ads.html 

? New Placeholders: previous_status and affiliate_network_name

Placeholders allow you to pass the values dynamically. Some refer to them as dynamic parameters, macros, or tokens. These values automatically integrate into the tracker when inserted as text or code on a landing page, within an offer link, or during an s2s postback from the tracker. The 10.2 beta version introduced two new placeholders:

{previous_status} – sends the previous conversion status. Data is taken from Reports → Conversions → Previous Status column. It is used for sending s2s postback.

{affiliate_network_name} – allows you to pass the name of the Affiliate Network. It can be used dynamically both in the text or code of your offer and when transmitting it in an s2s postback.

? We Also Improved Features and Fixed Multiple Bugs

Updated: Custom MariaDB, Clickhouse configs are deprecated – Breaking change

Updated: Optimized request for loading the list of campaigns

Updated: Groups are sorted by ID

Updated: Displaying of 404 Error

Fixed: Previous state is displayed on running the traffic simulation 

Fixed: Summary is calculated incorrectly in reports when using filters

Fixed: The action “send to campaign” causes errors for users with necessary permissions

Fixed: Deleting leads to errors when there is a large number of flows

Fixed: Admin API request gives the incorrect response for deletion when the user lacks sufficient permissions

Fixed: The order of filters is incorrect on copying flows from one campaign to another 

Fixed: The report for the previous year is generated with incorrect dates

Fixed: Using a placeholder in redirects duplicates the domain

Fixed: The column menu cannot be moved in reports

Fixed: Exporting CSV report results in dates being displayed in the wrong timezone

Fixed: The uCR metric for registrations is calculated incorrectly

Fixed: An error in the custom placeholder leads to the postback’s loss

Fixed: Revenue is duplicated on sending s2s postback for registrations and deposits 

Fixed: Null word displays in filter values list

Check out the Release Notes for more detailed information: https://docs.keitaro.io/en/release-notes/10-2-beta.html

Enjoy top-notch performance and some cool new features. Give Keitaro Tracker 10.2 beta a try today!

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